How do I set up an FTP account and upload files to the web space?

FTP account setup in our management interface Froxlor (coming soon)

FTP account setup for FileZilla (coming soon)

How to use our Web-FTP Client:

  1. Click on User Accounts in the FTP section of the Froxlor administration panel for your hosting package.
  2. Edit the existing FTP user by clicking on the pencil icon.
  3. Now store a secure password for the selected user. You have the possibility to take over the given password suggestion as password by transferring it into the input field Password.
  4. Click Save to store the password.
  5. After the editing of the FTP account has been completed, please click on WebFTP in the FTP area.
  6. The login window of the WebFTP client will open. Enter the following login data:
Username = the username of the FTP account
password = the password chosen for this FTP account

After entering the login data, confirm by clicking the Connect button.

After successful login the WebFTP client is available.