When you set up URL redirects, there is an option to Append Path to URL. This option allows the user to append a path to the forwarding source, which is then forwarded to the forwarding destination.
This enables, for example, direct access to sub-pages from the forwarding source.
Append path disabled
Initial situation:
Forwarding "mysite.de/imprint.html" to the destination "http://mysite.afreehoster.de".
If you enter mysite.de/imprint.html you will be forwarded to "http://meineseite.afreehoster.de".
Subpages entered after the actual domain (e.g. "/imprint.html") are ignored and forwarded to the standard target address "http://mysite.afreehoster.de".
All entries after the domain are forwarded to the standard page "http://mysite.afreehoster.de" regardless of their existence.
Append path activated
Initial situation:
Forwarding "mysite.de/imprint.html" to the destination "http://mysite.de.afreehoster.de/imprint.html".
If you enter mysite.de/impint.html, you will be forwarded to "http://mysite.afreehoster.de/imprint.html".
Subpages that were entered after the actual domain (e.g. "/imprint.html") are attached directly to the standard forwarding destination (e.g. "http://myseite.afreehoster.de/imprint.html").
All entries after the domain are forwarded to the respective path behind the standard forwarding destination, regardless of their existence.