To be able to use an e-mail address, it is necessary to set the MX record (mailserver record) of the domain to the responsible mail server. You can read how this works here. You can find the mail server responsible for your hosting in your customer area under the menu item Hosting and E-mail settings.
Another way to connect your domain to your hosting package is as follows:
- Open the Domain List.
- Click the gear Icon
at the end of the line of your domain and in the popup menu click Forwarding.
- Click on the Hosting icon, here you can connect and disconnect the domain with your hosting package.
- Checkmark the option connect mailspace and save.
After successful linking, the e-mail address can be used within max. 1 hour.
If no MX entry has been set or if the 60 minutes after the entry have not yet elapsed, you may receive the error message Relay access denied. In this case we ask you for some patience.