Please first check with a whois query whether your current registrar is RU-CENTER. You can recognize this by the registrar details RU-CENTER-RU.
The current registrar is RU-Center
A user account with a NIC-D identifier was created for the owner of the domain during registration. The access data for this account at can be requested on the website by specifying the domain name. The access data will then be send to the stored e-mail address.
If there is access to the NIC-D account, the domain can be accessed on the page and moved to our RU-CENTER partner account 5289 / NIC-REG.
Please note that the entire NIC-D account (all domains, but without further services) will then be transferred to our administration. If you have more than one domain in this account, please initiate all domain transfers with us beforehand, otherwise not all domains can be managed and, in particular, extended.
If not all domains of the NIC-D account should be transferred to us, the domain owner must ask in writing for a domain transfer of individual domains as follows:
If the NIC-D account is managed directly at RU-CENTER:
If the NIC-D account is managed by a RU-CENTER partner:
The transfer should go to the RU-CENTER partner InterNetworX Ltd. & Co. KG with the Partner Agreement ID 5289 / NIC-REG.
Current registrar is NOT RU-CENTER
Please request the current registrar to transfer the domain to the RU-CENTER registrar (ID: RU-CENTER-RU).
Further information can be found under point 4.2 on:
Please note that the transfer of this domain extension must not include any change to the name of the owner. The transfer goes to the RU-CENTER partner InterNetworX Ltd. & Co. KG with the Partner Agreement ID 5289 / NIC-REG.