How do I register a domain with INWX?

1. search for your desired domain

Visit our website and use the search field on the homepage or in the top right-hand corner if you are not on the homepage. Enter the desired domain there.

2. check availability

The availability of the entered domain is checked automatically.


3. select domain

Select the desired domain and click on the shopping basket symbol. You can then find the domain in your shopping basket.

4.1 No credit available: After selecting ‘Continue to order’, select a payment method and enter your payment information.

4.2 Credit available: If you are logged in and already have credit, simply click on ‘Complete order’.

5. receive confirmation

After completing your order, you will receive an order confirmation by e-mail. The registration period may vary depending on the domain extension. Further information can be found in the TLD list under ‘Domain & Hosting’ in the blue ribbon. Select the sub-item ‘Price list’ and find out about the desired domain extension.